This was the final project for one of my computer graphics courses at the University of Pennsylvania. We used OpenGL and C++ to create a basic version of Minecraft, where the terrain generation and rendering mimicked that of the original game.
My role: Programmer / Tech-Artist
Duration: 4 weeks
Made with:
- C++
- OpenGL
Team size: 3
What I worked on:
- Procedural terrain, biomes, rivers and cave-systems
- Custom rendering with special effects like distance fog
- Fully custom post-processing pipeline
- “Fracture” dual-world display shader
The “Fracture” Shader
My proudest highlight from working on this is the fracture shader that I created for the part of the screen that shows the “alternate dimension”, and the accompanying animation of the shader that plays when the user “travels” through the fracture / portal into the other dimension.